



A virtual tour is an interactive experience that allows users to explore their newly designed and fully furnished apartment long before its completion. Each of our Virtual tour presentations also offers the option to view interiors using 3D glasses/goggles or a regular smartphone mounted on a cardboard. Simply select the goggles icon in the bottom right corner.

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The benefits of ordering a project along with a virtual tour are tangible:

  • 3D virtual walk: Unlike with visualizations, the investor can walk around the entire designed interior, familiarizing themselves with its functionality and aesthetics.
  • Time and money savings: Virtual tour allows for changing materials, colors, and furnishings, which enables faster and more efficient decision-making.
  • Ease of communication: Virtual tour enables easier communication between the investor and the designer, allowing for faster and more accurate clarification of any doubts.
  • Greater confidence: With virtual tour, the investor can have greater confidence in their interior design decisions, which helps avoid misunderstandings and later changes.
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The benefits of ordering a project along with a virtual tour are tangible:

  • 3D virtual walk: Unlike with visualizations, the investor can walk around the entire designed interior, familiarizing themselves with its functionality and aesthetics.
  • Time and money savings: Virtual tour allows for changing materials, colors, and furnishings, which enables faster and more efficient decision-making.
  • Ease of communication: Virtual tour enables easier communication between the investor and the designer, allowing for faster and more accurate clarification of any doubts.
  • Greater confidence: With virtual tour, the investor can have greater confidence in their interior design decisions, which helps avoid misunderstandings and later changes.


We also invite you to view presentations of completed interiors.

Have any questions? Contact us.